In this abundant planet we call our home we have been blessed with everything we need. Within nature we can find a cure for all that ails us. The human body is an amazing thing; it has an incredible ability to heal itself. Using natural therapies, the body can be assisted in this process. This is what Naturopathy is all about.
The main emphasis of wholistic healing is always to treat the whole person and to recognise that in their individuality. No two people are the same either in personality or in sickness.
Careful consideration is always given to the whole state of 'dis-ease'. The Naturopath always asks in-depth and sometimes seemingly irrelevant questions. The best solution to a problem is often found underlying the surface. The cause of the problem needs to be sought out and this can often be emotional, but all factors are taken into consideration. The best treatment comes from a full understanding of who the person being treated really is. The aim is not to just remove the symptoms, but to remove the cause of the problem. This is where a cure is to be found.
While a Naturopath cannot make legal claim to being a doctor, it is in the original meaning of the word that we find the best description of a Naturopath: A teacher. It is the role of a Naturopath to educate the patient on their health and how to heal themselves and to maintain their health. The Naturopath supports nature in its ability to heal, using natural substances to assist the body to heal itself.
Naturopathy incorporates many forms of natural and traditional healing: therapies such as Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition and Diet and Flower Essences, are amongst the most well known.
Homeopathy is a highly specialised form of natural medicine based on the concept of 'like cures like'. In other words a substance that is found to cause symptoms in a healthy person will cure the same symptoms that occur in a sick person. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources and diluted and potentised. The remedy may contain little or none of the original substance, but carries its energy and healing stimulating properties.
Homeopathy can treat all types of illness, chronic, acute and minor accidents. The remedy chosen needs to match the all over picture of the patient, everything is taken into account, personality, emotions, physical and mental symptoms and wellbeing. It is truly a wholistic therapy.
Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's natural ability to heal itself and assists you to overcome your sickness. When being treated Homoeopathically it is common, for not just the symptoms to be relieved but to be feeling better all over.
Herbal Medicine The use of plants for healing goes back to the beginning of time. Over the centuries medicine women and men have developed their intuition and discovered the great powers of plants. This knowledge has been handed down through the generations and now proven by science. Many of the pharmaceutical drugs used today are based on traditional herbal medicine.
Diet and Nutrition is a fundamental part of any complete health program. In this modern world the foods we eat are no longer full of life giving nutrients and it is all too easy to grab for the easy to prepare processed foods. All in all, this means that the majority of people are deficient in nutrients and this, in turn, contributes to illness. Finding the right diet and the right nutrients to suit your individual needs can make a tremendous difference to your life.
Flower Essences are a wonderful addition to our health care. They help to rebalance our emotional, mental and spiritual lives. This can also assist in physical healing as well, as it reaches into the root of the cause of disease. The rebalancing of our lives is greatly enhanced by action of flower essences. Many people will testify that when all around them things were falling apart, a few drops of Rescue Remedy has helped them to hold things together and rise above the situation.
Natural medicine has a lot to offer each one of us. It incorporates all facets of our lives, helping us back on our own paths and helping us to fulfil our potential.
22 April 2008
Healthy Skin
The skin is our largest organ. It has important functions in being protective, a sensory organ, and also helps to eliminate toxins from the body. To keep the skin looking healthy, it is important to keep the whole body well nourished and cared for.
The condition of the skin reflects our internal health. An imbalance internal can often show up on the skin in the form of blemishes and colourations.
It is important, if you want good skin, to take good care of yourself overall. Your skins health is dependant on the health of the rest of your body. Drinking plenty of water may be the number one factor. The body is made up of 70% water and we constantly need to replenish this supply. Water helps to carry nutrients throughout the body and flushes out the toxins. Without this the elimination process can be hindered, clogging up the system and as a result, clogging up the skin. The whole body constantly uses water and we constantly eliminate, so make sure you replace what is lost. Generally speaking around 2 litres of water a day should be drunk. This of course can vary from person to person and varies according to diet, lifestyle and other health factors. A rich, fatty diet requires more water than one high in fruit and vegetables. An active lifestyle requires more water and of course in summer or in air-conditioned environments that are often drying, more water is needed. If you suffer from constipation, then extra water is needed than for those with normal bowel function. Try to avoid caffeinated and/or sugary drinks; these are dehydrating.
Of course exposure to chemicals can contribute to skin problems, and smoking is terrible for the skin (and the rest of you) and very ageing. Care needs to be taken not to overexpose skin to ultraviolet radiation. Sunbathing can reduce the elasticity and tone of the skin, as well as exposing your self to the potential of skin cancer.
When choosing skin care products, look for natural products. The chemical cocktail in some skin care products can do more harm than good. Botani products offer a great natural and effective alternative.
When looking at diet, it comes to the same old story. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to include salads daily, both for lunch and dinner. Lots of raw vegies are great, but cooked and as soup are great alternatives. Nothing beats a tasty veggie soup for lunch. Fruit on its own, for breakfast or a snack can't be beaten for taste and as a fast easy food. Choosing whole grain foods in place of processed is important. They move through the system a lot easier. White bread can just clog up the system. Whole grains contain a lot more nutrients and that essential fibre, keeping the system clean, therefore keeping the skin clean. (Where do the toxins go when they can't get through the normal route? Out through the skin, blemishes, pimples and other skin disorders.) Ensuring you have plenty of fibre and you bowel is functioning efficiently is vital (that is at least once a day!
Essential fatty acids are very important for the skin. These help prevent dryness of the skin and keep the texture and vitality, as well as their numerous other functions. Even if you have oily skin, you still need these! Some of the best sources of these come in the form of flaxseed oil and olive oil. Use olive oil in cooking, it is best for this as it is heat stable, many others are not. Fresh fish is a good source of these oils as well.
Protein is important too. Protein provides you with amino acids and many of these help with tissue repair and rapid cell growth, important for the skin. Not all protein needs to come from meat. Try some Legumes and beans. A diet varied in legumes, beans, whole grains and vegetables can supply you with adequate protein.
The important nutrients for skin health include Vitamin A and beta carotene (foods that are orange and yellow) helps prevents acne, blemishes, dry skin and important in all skin disorders. Vitamin C helps to reduce the ageing and the damaging effect of pollutants with its antioxidant function. Vitamin E and Selenium are also important antioxidants.
Zinc is needed for cell repair and enzyme production.
Silica strengthens the skin, hair and nails.
B vitamin deficiencies are often associated with skin disorders.
Essential Fatty acids nourish the skin and protect the body from various other complaints.
For most people a good healthy diet is sufficient to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Sometimes extra help is needed, in the form of supplements. Allergies can also cause skin problems, including acne.
Copyright Andrea Putting
The condition of the skin reflects our internal health. An imbalance internal can often show up on the skin in the form of blemishes and colourations.
It is important, if you want good skin, to take good care of yourself overall. Your skins health is dependant on the health of the rest of your body. Drinking plenty of water may be the number one factor. The body is made up of 70% water and we constantly need to replenish this supply. Water helps to carry nutrients throughout the body and flushes out the toxins. Without this the elimination process can be hindered, clogging up the system and as a result, clogging up the skin. The whole body constantly uses water and we constantly eliminate, so make sure you replace what is lost. Generally speaking around 2 litres of water a day should be drunk. This of course can vary from person to person and varies according to diet, lifestyle and other health factors. A rich, fatty diet requires more water than one high in fruit and vegetables. An active lifestyle requires more water and of course in summer or in air-conditioned environments that are often drying, more water is needed. If you suffer from constipation, then extra water is needed than for those with normal bowel function. Try to avoid caffeinated and/or sugary drinks; these are dehydrating.
Of course exposure to chemicals can contribute to skin problems, and smoking is terrible for the skin (and the rest of you) and very ageing. Care needs to be taken not to overexpose skin to ultraviolet radiation. Sunbathing can reduce the elasticity and tone of the skin, as well as exposing your self to the potential of skin cancer.
When choosing skin care products, look for natural products. The chemical cocktail in some skin care products can do more harm than good. Botani products offer a great natural and effective alternative.
When looking at diet, it comes to the same old story. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to include salads daily, both for lunch and dinner. Lots of raw vegies are great, but cooked and as soup are great alternatives. Nothing beats a tasty veggie soup for lunch. Fruit on its own, for breakfast or a snack can't be beaten for taste and as a fast easy food. Choosing whole grain foods in place of processed is important. They move through the system a lot easier. White bread can just clog up the system. Whole grains contain a lot more nutrients and that essential fibre, keeping the system clean, therefore keeping the skin clean. (Where do the toxins go when they can't get through the normal route? Out through the skin, blemishes, pimples and other skin disorders.) Ensuring you have plenty of fibre and you bowel is functioning efficiently is vital (that is at least once a day!
Essential fatty acids are very important for the skin. These help prevent dryness of the skin and keep the texture and vitality, as well as their numerous other functions. Even if you have oily skin, you still need these! Some of the best sources of these come in the form of flaxseed oil and olive oil. Use olive oil in cooking, it is best for this as it is heat stable, many others are not. Fresh fish is a good source of these oils as well.
Protein is important too. Protein provides you with amino acids and many of these help with tissue repair and rapid cell growth, important for the skin. Not all protein needs to come from meat. Try some Legumes and beans. A diet varied in legumes, beans, whole grains and vegetables can supply you with adequate protein.
The important nutrients for skin health include Vitamin A and beta carotene (foods that are orange and yellow) helps prevents acne, blemishes, dry skin and important in all skin disorders. Vitamin C helps to reduce the ageing and the damaging effect of pollutants with its antioxidant function. Vitamin E and Selenium are also important antioxidants.
Zinc is needed for cell repair and enzyme production.
Silica strengthens the skin, hair and nails.
B vitamin deficiencies are often associated with skin disorders.
Essential Fatty acids nourish the skin and protect the body from various other complaints.
For most people a good healthy diet is sufficient to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Sometimes extra help is needed, in the form of supplements. Allergies can also cause skin problems, including acne.
Copyright Andrea Putting
Eating To Stay Healthy
Do you have a lack of energy, skin problems or constipation? These and many other problems can be related to poor digestive function. so many health problems begin in the digestive system. It may be that you are not getting the right nutrients. However, all to often it is not functioning properly, resulting in being unable to use the nutrients found in our foods. Even the best diet in the world won't help, if the digestive process is deficient. simplifying our eating process and making a few simple changes can make all the difference.
The first thing to look at with any health problem is what are you eating? This question goes further, with when and what with? Many people experience discomfort when they eat certain foods. This is often a result of what they are eating the food with. For example, melons eaten as a dessert will more often than not cause some sort of digestive complaint. Yet eating melon on it's own, on an empty stomach, will not. Food eaten in bad combinations tends to ferment in the stomach. This can result in a variety of conditions. Eating foods in good combinations helps to keep the body clean and free from stagnation. This also helps promote weight-loss.
The basic rules of food combining are; to start with, eat fruit on it's own, on an empty stomach. This is a great way to start the day to get the system moving and give you a quick energy boost, or at any time of day. The other important rule is never mix starches (potatoes, beans, grains, etc) with proteins (meat, eggs, dairy products, seeds and nuts). The theory behind these rules is that the time it takes each type of food to digest is different. A 'bad' mix will slow down digest, giving rise to fermentation and then gases and chemicals may be produced, adding to the overloaded system. The best food combination for a meal is to eat vegetables with protein, or vegetables with starch. Avocado, Olives and Seed Oils can be mixed with anything. This type of diet requires a little alteration to the 'average' Australian diet. Many of us have meat and potato based diets, but with a little imagination and the help of a some good cookbooks, it can be simply done.
Apple cider vinegar is an old fold remedy for many things. One of its best functions is to help with the digestion. When there is not enough acids being produced by the stomach, the digestion of protein is hampered. This can lead to food intolerance, which is the basis of many other disorders. Skin problems such as eczema, acne rosacea and dermatitis can be related to this. The absorption of calcium and iron are decreased by low stomach acid. Arthritis can be helped by improved stomach acidity, as can many digestive problems, such as bad breath, bloating, gas, diarrhoea and constipation. The amount of acid produced in the stomach decreases with age.
Approximately 40% of people will have a problem with low stomach acids by the age of 40, 50% by the age of 50, etc. Drinking a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a glass of water before meals can help remedy this issue.Pineapple and papaya both contain a digestive enzyme, Bromelain. This helps improve the acid content of the stomach. Eating one of these two fruits three times a week can help improve digestion. These fruits, as all fruits, are best eaten on an empty stomach, so eat them as an appetizer. When suffering from indigestion problems, a glass of pineapple juice may help.
Stimulating the digestive process can be of a great benefit. Dandelion has the property of being a digestive bitter and this stimulates the flow of gastric juices, easing digestion. Roasted dandelion root is a popular coffee substitute. Other easily available 'bitters' are some of the leaves found in salad mixes.
Herbal teas such as Chamomile and Peppermint are relaxing and also calming to the digestive system. Many of our culinary herbs also play a role in improving digestion. Herbs such as Thyme, Rosemary, Cayenne and Ginger are great to add to foods not only improving taste, but also digestion.It is important to keep things flowing through our bodies. Dinking plenty of water every day is vital; around eight glass of water a day. It is best not to drink while eating; this dilutes the juices and makes it more difficult to digest. Tea and Coffee can be dehydrating to the body and can hinder digestion, it is best to avoid these. If you must have a cuppa, drink extra water.
Importantly, we must look at our eating environment. Each meal needs to be enjoyed. Gulping down our meals in a hurry as we run out the door is definitely not good for the digestion. Every meal should be a sit down meal. Time needs to be taken and a pleasant non-stressful environment found. Get up a few minutes early, if you haven't been making time to sit down for breakfast. Get away from your workspace when having lunch. Don't eat in front of the computer screen. Sit outside in the sunshine, when you can, to eat your lunch ( Please remember sun protection though).
Try to make your evening meal as peaceful and enjoyable as possible. It can be difficult after a long day, every one is tired and hungry and you just want it over and done with. If this is how it is, try taking 10 minutes for yourself before preparing the meal. Turn off the television, set the table and enjoy your family. Give each individual a chance to feel special; this is time to get to know your family and what is happening in their lives.
The first thing to look at with any health problem is what are you eating? This question goes further, with when and what with? Many people experience discomfort when they eat certain foods. This is often a result of what they are eating the food with. For example, melons eaten as a dessert will more often than not cause some sort of digestive complaint. Yet eating melon on it's own, on an empty stomach, will not. Food eaten in bad combinations tends to ferment in the stomach. This can result in a variety of conditions. Eating foods in good combinations helps to keep the body clean and free from stagnation. This also helps promote weight-loss.
The basic rules of food combining are; to start with, eat fruit on it's own, on an empty stomach. This is a great way to start the day to get the system moving and give you a quick energy boost, or at any time of day. The other important rule is never mix starches (potatoes, beans, grains, etc) with proteins (meat, eggs, dairy products, seeds and nuts). The theory behind these rules is that the time it takes each type of food to digest is different. A 'bad' mix will slow down digest, giving rise to fermentation and then gases and chemicals may be produced, adding to the overloaded system. The best food combination for a meal is to eat vegetables with protein, or vegetables with starch. Avocado, Olives and Seed Oils can be mixed with anything. This type of diet requires a little alteration to the 'average' Australian diet. Many of us have meat and potato based diets, but with a little imagination and the help of a some good cookbooks, it can be simply done.
Apple cider vinegar is an old fold remedy for many things. One of its best functions is to help with the digestion. When there is not enough acids being produced by the stomach, the digestion of protein is hampered. This can lead to food intolerance, which is the basis of many other disorders. Skin problems such as eczema, acne rosacea and dermatitis can be related to this. The absorption of calcium and iron are decreased by low stomach acid. Arthritis can be helped by improved stomach acidity, as can many digestive problems, such as bad breath, bloating, gas, diarrhoea and constipation. The amount of acid produced in the stomach decreases with age.
Approximately 40% of people will have a problem with low stomach acids by the age of 40, 50% by the age of 50, etc. Drinking a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a glass of water before meals can help remedy this issue.Pineapple and papaya both contain a digestive enzyme, Bromelain. This helps improve the acid content of the stomach. Eating one of these two fruits three times a week can help improve digestion. These fruits, as all fruits, are best eaten on an empty stomach, so eat them as an appetizer. When suffering from indigestion problems, a glass of pineapple juice may help.
Stimulating the digestive process can be of a great benefit. Dandelion has the property of being a digestive bitter and this stimulates the flow of gastric juices, easing digestion. Roasted dandelion root is a popular coffee substitute. Other easily available 'bitters' are some of the leaves found in salad mixes.
Herbal teas such as Chamomile and Peppermint are relaxing and also calming to the digestive system. Many of our culinary herbs also play a role in improving digestion. Herbs such as Thyme, Rosemary, Cayenne and Ginger are great to add to foods not only improving taste, but also digestion.It is important to keep things flowing through our bodies. Dinking plenty of water every day is vital; around eight glass of water a day. It is best not to drink while eating; this dilutes the juices and makes it more difficult to digest. Tea and Coffee can be dehydrating to the body and can hinder digestion, it is best to avoid these. If you must have a cuppa, drink extra water.
Importantly, we must look at our eating environment. Each meal needs to be enjoyed. Gulping down our meals in a hurry as we run out the door is definitely not good for the digestion. Every meal should be a sit down meal. Time needs to be taken and a pleasant non-stressful environment found. Get up a few minutes early, if you haven't been making time to sit down for breakfast. Get away from your workspace when having lunch. Don't eat in front of the computer screen. Sit outside in the sunshine, when you can, to eat your lunch ( Please remember sun protection though).
Try to make your evening meal as peaceful and enjoyable as possible. It can be difficult after a long day, every one is tired and hungry and you just want it over and done with. If this is how it is, try taking 10 minutes for yourself before preparing the meal. Turn off the television, set the table and enjoy your family. Give each individual a chance to feel special; this is time to get to know your family and what is happening in their lives.
Colour Your Diet
Purple grapes, blueberries, kiwi fruit, bananas, peaches and strawberries make an appetising fruit salad. A fruit salad is much more appealing with a full colour variation, than if it only has one or two colours. How important is it to have colourful meals? Is it just because it looks more interesting and pretty? Or is there a purpose to it?
In traditional medicine, the doctrine of signatures is followed. This means that different herbs and foods are classified for their healing properties according to their colour and shape. For example, yellow plants, such as dandelion, are known for their liver healing properties. This principle can also be used in our daily diet. I learnt from my mother, as a child, that a meal should always contain a variety of colour; this is a part of a balance diet. If we eat a diet which is lacking in some colour, such as green vegetables, then our diet will be out of balance and health problems relating to that colour will occur.
It is well known that different colours have different effects on us. Red and yellow are warming and stimulating. Turquoise, blue and violet are cooling and sedating. Green maintains balance and harmony. Our food can have a similar effect.
Each colour has its own energy vibration and will vibrate with different parts of the body. The colours represented by the chakras also represent the part of the body most affected by that particular colour. So each organ has its own colour that it relates to. When the colour is provided through the diet, it will energize the corresponding chakra, or energy centre, and provide positive vibration through the body's organs and glands in that area.
A diet rich in colour will provide you with all the nutrients and vitamins you require. The nutrients provided in a food will relate to the requirements of the chakra the colour corresponds to. Each food will energize, cleanse and heal its corresponding chakra. The outer cover of the food usually represents the colour vibration it radiates to and the action it will have on us. Some foods have more than one colour vibration, for example a pink grapefruit radiates to both yellow energy from the skin and pink from the flesh. A Haas avocado radiates to both indigo and green.
It is best to include foods of all colours in our diet, but when our system is out of balance, we can concentrate more on certain colour foods. This will help to harmonize the body and bring it back to equilibrium.
Red foods help us to have plenty of energy and meet life's challenges. The assimilation of food and removal of toxins is enhanced. Red helps us to get in touch with our basic life-force energy and keeps us motivate and able to achieve our life's goals. It gives us courage, strength and a feeling of confidence. Depression can be lessened with extra red plant foods. As red is our base, it can help us to be more grounded. Red stimulates the adrenal glands giving us the ability to survive. Red is excellent for those suffering from anaemia, blood disorders or who are always cold. If you are run-down or extremely tired, red foods can be stimulating and energizing. Red fruits and vegetables can regenerate depleted energy, build up the immune system and help to clean out the retained toxins and bad vibrations.
Orange supplies us with plenty of energy and an alert mind. It enhances our immune system, also improving blood circulation and digestion. Orange is a warming colour and radiates joy. It helps to remove blocked emotions and enables us to express ourselves more, allowing us to enjoy stronger relationships. It is also linked to our sexuality and our sex organs. Oranges encourages us to be more sociable, outgoing, and optimistic. It is a creative colour as it opens up our minds to new things. Orange is a great tonic for both the physical and mental aspects of our lives, giving boosts to spleen and digestive and sexual organs. Anti-oxidants are high in orange foods; these help in destroying toxic cells and in the repair of some cellular damage.
Yellow is a happy colour; it surrounds us with warmth, laughter and joy. It brings to us a more positive outlook on life. Knowledge and wisdom come with gold and yellow, helping us to broaden our horizons. Yellow is related to the solar plexus, so it is important for the support of the nervous system. It is directly involved with our digestive process, especially the liver and intestines. It helps to promote the elimination of toxins and purifying the body. It is also important in the endocrine system. Yellow is supportive of the brain function as well, stimulating the mind, so it is important to include this colour while studying. This colour can help alleviate skin conditions, especially through its liver support and purifying ability. It can be helpful when dealing with conditions of the nervous system, nervous exhaustion, constipation, indigestion, liver problems and diabetes.
Green brings peace, balance and harmony to our systems. It has a strong influence on the heart and blood pressure and helps to sooth nerves. The lungs are strengthened as green is the colour of breathing as represented by nature. Green brings us a feeling of newness and freedom of the soul and helps relieves stress and emotional problems. It helps reduce problems associated with tension such as headaches. As green relates to the heart, it is also beneficial for those with high blood pressure and as a prevention of heart disease. The digestive system can be calmed by the inclusion of green. Chlorophyll, which is at high levels in green leafy vegetables, is revitalizing and refreshing. It has a soothing and healing effect and helps to detoxify and cleanse our system. Some green vegetables (cruciferous in particular) are considered to decrease the risk of breast, stomach and colon cancers.
Blue is a peaceful colour. It is relaxing and calming, on all levels. Blue is particularly important at night-time, relaxing our mind and body in readiness for sleep. It is an important colour for insomniacs to focus on at bedtime. We can connect more with our intuition. Blue has an important link with the respiratory system, encouraging the uptake of oxygen, so it this colour is lacking, we may feel constantly fatigued. Throat problems can be alleviated with blue, as well as fevers, inflammations, spasms, stings, itchiness and headaches. Too much blue can be depressing, so it needs to be balanced with orange, its complimenting colour.
Indigo is related to the third eye, so it brings focus to our lives and allows us to see things more clearly. It helps bring about the human qualities of compassion, discretion and integrity. It is also calming and soothing. Indigo controls the pineal gland. The nervous, mental and psychic potential are affected. The sight and hearing are influenced by indigo. Indigo food can be used where there are disease of the eyes, ears and nose as well as the skin and lungs. Indigo has a lot of blue energy. Eating blue and violet foods will also increase indigo energy.
Violet has a significant relationship with our intuition and spirituality. Meditation and spiritual life can be enhanced with violet foods. It strengthens and supports the central nervous system and the brain. It is important for our mental health. Violet has an effect on the process controlling the pituitary and hypothalamus. Using violet will calm those suffering from high anxiety; it is soothing and relaxing. It is the most healing colour, particularly in relation to nervous and mental disorders and disease of the scalp.
Each colour has a complementary colour. When an emphasis needs to be place on a particular colour in your diet, it is recommended that you balance this with the complementary colour. Red is complementary to green. Blue is complementary to orange and violet is complementary to yellow.
As different colours have different effects on us, it can be seen that it be best to concentrate on certain colours at certain times. For example, at nighttime, blue with its relaxing, calming effects would be more beneficial than red with its stimulating and uplifting effects. The energizing and refreshing effects of greens and yellow are ideal for morning. Gold, orange and red will provide us with energy required for the afternoon. Violet, indigo and blue should be the emphasis for the evening, with their calming and relaxing influences.
Giving thought to the colour of our foods can be a fun and interesting way to stay healthy. Food will be more appealing to children and will contain all the essential nutrients that they (and you) need. Bringing balance back to your life is easier when you can base your food selection on certain colours until you feel "right". Surrounding ourselves with colours can be a healing experience, in whatever form we take it.
Copyright Andrea Putting
In traditional medicine, the doctrine of signatures is followed. This means that different herbs and foods are classified for their healing properties according to their colour and shape. For example, yellow plants, such as dandelion, are known for their liver healing properties. This principle can also be used in our daily diet. I learnt from my mother, as a child, that a meal should always contain a variety of colour; this is a part of a balance diet. If we eat a diet which is lacking in some colour, such as green vegetables, then our diet will be out of balance and health problems relating to that colour will occur.
It is well known that different colours have different effects on us. Red and yellow are warming and stimulating. Turquoise, blue and violet are cooling and sedating. Green maintains balance and harmony. Our food can have a similar effect.
Each colour has its own energy vibration and will vibrate with different parts of the body. The colours represented by the chakras also represent the part of the body most affected by that particular colour. So each organ has its own colour that it relates to. When the colour is provided through the diet, it will energize the corresponding chakra, or energy centre, and provide positive vibration through the body's organs and glands in that area.
A diet rich in colour will provide you with all the nutrients and vitamins you require. The nutrients provided in a food will relate to the requirements of the chakra the colour corresponds to. Each food will energize, cleanse and heal its corresponding chakra. The outer cover of the food usually represents the colour vibration it radiates to and the action it will have on us. Some foods have more than one colour vibration, for example a pink grapefruit radiates to both yellow energy from the skin and pink from the flesh. A Haas avocado radiates to both indigo and green.
It is best to include foods of all colours in our diet, but when our system is out of balance, we can concentrate more on certain colour foods. This will help to harmonize the body and bring it back to equilibrium.
Red foods help us to have plenty of energy and meet life's challenges. The assimilation of food and removal of toxins is enhanced. Red helps us to get in touch with our basic life-force energy and keeps us motivate and able to achieve our life's goals. It gives us courage, strength and a feeling of confidence. Depression can be lessened with extra red plant foods. As red is our base, it can help us to be more grounded. Red stimulates the adrenal glands giving us the ability to survive. Red is excellent for those suffering from anaemia, blood disorders or who are always cold. If you are run-down or extremely tired, red foods can be stimulating and energizing. Red fruits and vegetables can regenerate depleted energy, build up the immune system and help to clean out the retained toxins and bad vibrations.
Orange supplies us with plenty of energy and an alert mind. It enhances our immune system, also improving blood circulation and digestion. Orange is a warming colour and radiates joy. It helps to remove blocked emotions and enables us to express ourselves more, allowing us to enjoy stronger relationships. It is also linked to our sexuality and our sex organs. Oranges encourages us to be more sociable, outgoing, and optimistic. It is a creative colour as it opens up our minds to new things. Orange is a great tonic for both the physical and mental aspects of our lives, giving boosts to spleen and digestive and sexual organs. Anti-oxidants are high in orange foods; these help in destroying toxic cells and in the repair of some cellular damage.
Yellow is a happy colour; it surrounds us with warmth, laughter and joy. It brings to us a more positive outlook on life. Knowledge and wisdom come with gold and yellow, helping us to broaden our horizons. Yellow is related to the solar plexus, so it is important for the support of the nervous system. It is directly involved with our digestive process, especially the liver and intestines. It helps to promote the elimination of toxins and purifying the body. It is also important in the endocrine system. Yellow is supportive of the brain function as well, stimulating the mind, so it is important to include this colour while studying. This colour can help alleviate skin conditions, especially through its liver support and purifying ability. It can be helpful when dealing with conditions of the nervous system, nervous exhaustion, constipation, indigestion, liver problems and diabetes.
Green brings peace, balance and harmony to our systems. It has a strong influence on the heart and blood pressure and helps to sooth nerves. The lungs are strengthened as green is the colour of breathing as represented by nature. Green brings us a feeling of newness and freedom of the soul and helps relieves stress and emotional problems. It helps reduce problems associated with tension such as headaches. As green relates to the heart, it is also beneficial for those with high blood pressure and as a prevention of heart disease. The digestive system can be calmed by the inclusion of green. Chlorophyll, which is at high levels in green leafy vegetables, is revitalizing and refreshing. It has a soothing and healing effect and helps to detoxify and cleanse our system. Some green vegetables (cruciferous in particular) are considered to decrease the risk of breast, stomach and colon cancers.
Blue is a peaceful colour. It is relaxing and calming, on all levels. Blue is particularly important at night-time, relaxing our mind and body in readiness for sleep. It is an important colour for insomniacs to focus on at bedtime. We can connect more with our intuition. Blue has an important link with the respiratory system, encouraging the uptake of oxygen, so it this colour is lacking, we may feel constantly fatigued. Throat problems can be alleviated with blue, as well as fevers, inflammations, spasms, stings, itchiness and headaches. Too much blue can be depressing, so it needs to be balanced with orange, its complimenting colour.
Indigo is related to the third eye, so it brings focus to our lives and allows us to see things more clearly. It helps bring about the human qualities of compassion, discretion and integrity. It is also calming and soothing. Indigo controls the pineal gland. The nervous, mental and psychic potential are affected. The sight and hearing are influenced by indigo. Indigo food can be used where there are disease of the eyes, ears and nose as well as the skin and lungs. Indigo has a lot of blue energy. Eating blue and violet foods will also increase indigo energy.
Violet has a significant relationship with our intuition and spirituality. Meditation and spiritual life can be enhanced with violet foods. It strengthens and supports the central nervous system and the brain. It is important for our mental health. Violet has an effect on the process controlling the pituitary and hypothalamus. Using violet will calm those suffering from high anxiety; it is soothing and relaxing. It is the most healing colour, particularly in relation to nervous and mental disorders and disease of the scalp.
Each colour has a complementary colour. When an emphasis needs to be place on a particular colour in your diet, it is recommended that you balance this with the complementary colour. Red is complementary to green. Blue is complementary to orange and violet is complementary to yellow.
As different colours have different effects on us, it can be seen that it be best to concentrate on certain colours at certain times. For example, at nighttime, blue with its relaxing, calming effects would be more beneficial than red with its stimulating and uplifting effects. The energizing and refreshing effects of greens and yellow are ideal for morning. Gold, orange and red will provide us with energy required for the afternoon. Violet, indigo and blue should be the emphasis for the evening, with their calming and relaxing influences.
Giving thought to the colour of our foods can be a fun and interesting way to stay healthy. Food will be more appealing to children and will contain all the essential nutrients that they (and you) need. Bringing balance back to your life is easier when you can base your food selection on certain colours until you feel "right". Surrounding ourselves with colours can be a healing experience, in whatever form we take it.
Copyright Andrea Putting
Celebrate life!
We all look forward to celebrating the special events in our life. The birth of a baby, birthday, marriages, anniversary and so on. But why not just celebrate life. There is so much to be grateful for.
Our lives become so complex, but it is the simplest things that make our Life worth living. Our health is, without doubt, one of the most important. Without good health our power to enjoy our lives, to celebrate the love we share with others, to experience the pleasures in life, is seriously diminished.
The first step to good health has to be simply choosing to live healthy. What we choose to eat everyday, the environment we are in, the activity we choose all have an impact on our lives. This may sound simplistic, but do we make the right choices to be healthy? A healthy lifestyle brings the benefit of more energy, a clear mind, more positive outlook and the ability to cope with all the other things life throws at us. When you experience the natural high living can bring, with a healthy lifestyle, then you can truly appreciate the freedom you have to choose. When you make the unhealthy choices the body and mind have to compensate, leaving us drained and lacking vitality.
Once we have chosen a healthy lifestyle, we need to find the balance between all aspects of our lives, physical, spiritual, mental and emotional.
Let's start with physical. Exercise is an important part of our lives. There are many reasons and benefits to exercise, it keeps as flexible, gives us strength, endurance, firm body, glowing complexion, self-confidence and enhances our immunity. It also decreases the risk of many diseases, such as heart disease, anxiety, depression, hypertension and many, many more. Exercising can be simple. It doesn't have to involve heavy workouts at the gym, that's not for everyone. If you are not getting much exercise, start simple. Commit yourself to a walk everyday for a month. It doesn't have to be long to start with. Just make it a priority. Before breakfast, during your lunch break or before dinner. After a month, it will become a habit and you may want to extend the distance, or try another form of exercise. Make up your mind to take that first step to a healthy life.
Nutritional needs are always high on the list. Enjoying a variety of healthy foods is one of the most beneficial ways to stay healthy. You will be surprised at just how good you can feel when your diet is based of nutrient-rich foods. Try out the wonderful selection of grain breads available, or make your own! Make each meal a celebration of colour. When you choose a meal full of vibrant natural colours, you know that you are getting what you need. Select fresh organic fruits and vegies, where possible. Those who enjoy gardening get the extra benefit of tasty home grown vegies and time outdoors enjoying the fresh air. Nuts, legumes, grains, vegetable oils, fish, there are so many good foods out there to enjoy, why would we fill up with foods with no nutrients. A healthy diet will help prevent so many diseases I could go on forever. Do your body a favour and commit yourself to some good healthy foods.
Water is vital to our survival. We need water to cleanse our bodies, both inside and out. It helps to regulate our temperature, transport nutrients around the body, remove waste, cushion your joints and keep the blood flowing. We need it! Don't forget to drink plenty of it. Also enjoying time in water is healthy too. A nice relaxing bath or shower, a swim in the ocean.
Spirituality is an important aspect of good health that many people overlook. Believing in something can help bring you peace of mind and help you to reach your full potential. It involves taking time out, allowing yourself to be at one with the Universe. Searching and finding yourself, deep within. It gives one a purpose in life. Take time out, just to seek this inner guidance. Meditate. Reconnect with nature. Spirituality and belief sustains us through the tough times.
Taking time out is so vitally important. Working 7 days a week will soon run you down. Maybe you don't work 7 days, but on the weekends what do you do. Make sure that one day is for you, your family and friends. Rest, play and enjoy their company.
A good night's sleep is what we all need. Our bodies need to rest to be able to function correctly. Sleep rejuvenates our mind, body and soul for the next day. Make your bedtime peaceful; remember when you were a little child. You may have had a ritual that was followed every night to help prepare you for sleep. A bath, a story, your prayers. We seem to forget these, as we get older. But if you are having trouble sleeping maybe some new rituals will help.
Fresh Air and Sunshine and their importance may easily be overlooked in our society. Just think how wonderful it feels when you step outside, when you're feeling cold. You walk into the sunshine; breathe the fresh air and your whole body just soaks up the warmth. It's so calming and relaxing. You need the sunshine; it provides us with vitamin D. Also when people are deprived from sunshine, such as in the most Northern countries where the see little or no sunshine during winter, depression sets in. Oxygen, we know we need this to breath. Our whole body relies on this continuous supply of oxygen. Without it the body will quickly die, starting with the brain. We cannot underestimate its importance. We don't all have the luxury of good clean country air, but when you get a chance to really breathe it in, do it.
Living in a healthy environment is what we all need. Taking care of the earth is something we all must do. Reducing waste, and pollution has to become a priority in our lives. Without clean air, atmosphere, soil and water we cannot survive. Let's enjoy our environment and protect it, for ourselves and for future generations.
We talk about our physical environment, but what about our emotional environment. We need to surround ourselves and our children with a supportive, loving environment. Support for who we are and what we do is something we all need. Support can make the difference in whether we fulfil our potential in life or not. Having someone to stand by you in good times and bad really is an enormous benefit to us all. Being that person for our family and friends is rewarding experience. Friendships are important and needed. Take time out to spend with a friend. Call someone you haven't seen for a while. Have a cuppa with a friend. And don't forget the wonderful friendship, love and companionship you receive from your pets. It's been proven that pet owners have better health and deal with stress easier.
Having a positive attitude in life can get us so much further. Allow laughter and fun to penetrate your life and enjoy yourself. Encourage others to play and laugh. This is the best medicine.
Celebrate each day and enjoy life.
Our lives become so complex, but it is the simplest things that make our Life worth living. Our health is, without doubt, one of the most important. Without good health our power to enjoy our lives, to celebrate the love we share with others, to experience the pleasures in life, is seriously diminished.
The first step to good health has to be simply choosing to live healthy. What we choose to eat everyday, the environment we are in, the activity we choose all have an impact on our lives. This may sound simplistic, but do we make the right choices to be healthy? A healthy lifestyle brings the benefit of more energy, a clear mind, more positive outlook and the ability to cope with all the other things life throws at us. When you experience the natural high living can bring, with a healthy lifestyle, then you can truly appreciate the freedom you have to choose. When you make the unhealthy choices the body and mind have to compensate, leaving us drained and lacking vitality.
Once we have chosen a healthy lifestyle, we need to find the balance between all aspects of our lives, physical, spiritual, mental and emotional.
Let's start with physical. Exercise is an important part of our lives. There are many reasons and benefits to exercise, it keeps as flexible, gives us strength, endurance, firm body, glowing complexion, self-confidence and enhances our immunity. It also decreases the risk of many diseases, such as heart disease, anxiety, depression, hypertension and many, many more. Exercising can be simple. It doesn't have to involve heavy workouts at the gym, that's not for everyone. If you are not getting much exercise, start simple. Commit yourself to a walk everyday for a month. It doesn't have to be long to start with. Just make it a priority. Before breakfast, during your lunch break or before dinner. After a month, it will become a habit and you may want to extend the distance, or try another form of exercise. Make up your mind to take that first step to a healthy life.
Nutritional needs are always high on the list. Enjoying a variety of healthy foods is one of the most beneficial ways to stay healthy. You will be surprised at just how good you can feel when your diet is based of nutrient-rich foods. Try out the wonderful selection of grain breads available, or make your own! Make each meal a celebration of colour. When you choose a meal full of vibrant natural colours, you know that you are getting what you need. Select fresh organic fruits and vegies, where possible. Those who enjoy gardening get the extra benefit of tasty home grown vegies and time outdoors enjoying the fresh air. Nuts, legumes, grains, vegetable oils, fish, there are so many good foods out there to enjoy, why would we fill up with foods with no nutrients. A healthy diet will help prevent so many diseases I could go on forever. Do your body a favour and commit yourself to some good healthy foods.
Water is vital to our survival. We need water to cleanse our bodies, both inside and out. It helps to regulate our temperature, transport nutrients around the body, remove waste, cushion your joints and keep the blood flowing. We need it! Don't forget to drink plenty of it. Also enjoying time in water is healthy too. A nice relaxing bath or shower, a swim in the ocean.
Spirituality is an important aspect of good health that many people overlook. Believing in something can help bring you peace of mind and help you to reach your full potential. It involves taking time out, allowing yourself to be at one with the Universe. Searching and finding yourself, deep within. It gives one a purpose in life. Take time out, just to seek this inner guidance. Meditate. Reconnect with nature. Spirituality and belief sustains us through the tough times.
Taking time out is so vitally important. Working 7 days a week will soon run you down. Maybe you don't work 7 days, but on the weekends what do you do. Make sure that one day is for you, your family and friends. Rest, play and enjoy their company.
A good night's sleep is what we all need. Our bodies need to rest to be able to function correctly. Sleep rejuvenates our mind, body and soul for the next day. Make your bedtime peaceful; remember when you were a little child. You may have had a ritual that was followed every night to help prepare you for sleep. A bath, a story, your prayers. We seem to forget these, as we get older. But if you are having trouble sleeping maybe some new rituals will help.
Fresh Air and Sunshine and their importance may easily be overlooked in our society. Just think how wonderful it feels when you step outside, when you're feeling cold. You walk into the sunshine; breathe the fresh air and your whole body just soaks up the warmth. It's so calming and relaxing. You need the sunshine; it provides us with vitamin D. Also when people are deprived from sunshine, such as in the most Northern countries where the see little or no sunshine during winter, depression sets in. Oxygen, we know we need this to breath. Our whole body relies on this continuous supply of oxygen. Without it the body will quickly die, starting with the brain. We cannot underestimate its importance. We don't all have the luxury of good clean country air, but when you get a chance to really breathe it in, do it.
Living in a healthy environment is what we all need. Taking care of the earth is something we all must do. Reducing waste, and pollution has to become a priority in our lives. Without clean air, atmosphere, soil and water we cannot survive. Let's enjoy our environment and protect it, for ourselves and for future generations.
We talk about our physical environment, but what about our emotional environment. We need to surround ourselves and our children with a supportive, loving environment. Support for who we are and what we do is something we all need. Support can make the difference in whether we fulfil our potential in life or not. Having someone to stand by you in good times and bad really is an enormous benefit to us all. Being that person for our family and friends is rewarding experience. Friendships are important and needed. Take time out to spend with a friend. Call someone you haven't seen for a while. Have a cuppa with a friend. And don't forget the wonderful friendship, love and companionship you receive from your pets. It's been proven that pet owners have better health and deal with stress easier.
Having a positive attitude in life can get us so much further. Allow laughter and fun to penetrate your life and enjoy yourself. Encourage others to play and laugh. This is the best medicine.
Celebrate each day and enjoy life.
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